Calculate differential trailing

WinScan can calculate differential trailing.
Differential trailing may be a problem at a high declination

If you want to calculate the trailing for an other camera:
Chose: "View-CCD Info"
Check the "Enable Dummy cameras" CheckBox
Select a camera.

The select "Camera - Settings "
Fill in the declination> Select the Drift Scan TabSheet
At the bottom of that TabSheet the horizontal differential trailing is shown in pixels
You can also simulate the differential trailing.
Press the "simulate trailing" Button.
An other form is shown.
Details for simulating:
A form to simulate the differential trailing.
The values form the settings form are used.
This values may be changed in this form.
Decimal Separator is " ."
Then press "Simulate".
One cell of the grid has the size of one pixels of the CCD.
The cells of the gird are always square,
the arcs of the different trailing can be also calculated for pixels, which are no squares
The arcs coursed by differential trailing are shown on this grid.

There are shown 5 arcs:
at column 0 (the northern side of the CCD)
at 1/4 of the CCD
at the middle of the CCD
at 3/4 of the CCD
at the south of the CCD
The arcs to show, can be selected with the check boxes.

The arcs are shown with only 1 pixel distance (differs from a real CCD)
The differential trailing should not be much larger then 1-3 pixels.
Not regarded are: The seeing, the array disc, possible distortions coursed by the optic,
the fact, that the CCD is read out line after line but the stars are moving continuously over the CCD.
The orientation in this form is: north at the top, east at the left The orientation in the control image of WinScan is different: west at the top, north at the left
The camera is rotated 90 deg.
It can be also simulated errors in the orientation of the camera (differences to 90 deg)
and in the readout speed (wrong declination or focal length) then change sidereal rate in this form.