Change Time and Date

At this form time and date can be changed

It is recommended to test the accuracy of the intern WinScan timer on your computer before using the program regularly. To observe minor planets, the time should be checked by an extern time source (see below)
GPS support is now added, you can set the exact time by a GPS receiver, see: GPS

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This program uses a intern timer. When the program starts, it is requested, if the intern timer should be set to UT. This timer can be set to the system timer, or the time can be changed.
At the top of the form, time and date will be shown.
A bit lower there are edit fields to change the time.
Input the current time and date and minutes ahead UT (or minutes ahead system time) then press "Set the WinScan- Timer to the changed time"
If you chose UT, the intern timer of WinScan will be set to UT, the system timer works still at local time.
The system timer is adjusted by the intern timer of WinScan.
The frequency of the CPU is needed to adjust the intern timer of WinScan. It is tested when the program starts, and can be tested again.
It may differ a little form the frequency the CPU should word at.
You may check the "Always use the current frequency " checkbox, (faster program start), if you are sure, that the frequency will not change. (leave it unchecked if you are using a SpeedStep processor for example.)
Using a SpeedStep processor the speed step feature must be disabled, the frequency of the CPU must not change, while WinScan is running.

The Pentium 4 has a Thermal Monitor with a clock modulation portion, it that clock modulation portion is active, it may affect the timer when a critical temperature is reached, just check if the intern timer of WinScan works properly.(compare it with an extern time source)
If the system timer is at UT, set minutes ahead UT to 0.
The settings ( set to UT, minutes ahead UT, frequency of the CPU ) are saved, when the form is closed.

If you want correct the system timer using a program to access a time server, after taking an image, you should press the "Set WinScan-Timer to system timer <-" button in the Change_Time_Date Form after that.
Or exit WinScan, then correct the system timer, and then start WinScan again.
(WinScan uses an intern timer, which is adjusted by the system timer at the start of the program)
You may use programs to access a time server like:
About Time extern link
It is recommended to do that in short intervals (about a hour)

This may be useful, if you notice differences between the intern timer of WinScan and an extern time source.
To calibrate the frequency of the CPU by an extern time source, for example a program to set the system timer by an internet time server:
Set the system timer to the current time.(using an extern time source)
Start WinScan and let it run about an hour or more.
While WinScan runs, set the system timer to the current time again.(using an extern time source)
Press the "Calibrate" button in the Change_Time_Date Form (near the bottom)
Answer the questions with "Yes".
The frequency of the CPU will be calculated by the extern time source and the intern timer of WinScan is set to the current time of the system timer.
The calculated frequency is saved and will be used when WinScan is started next.
The "Always use the current frequency" checkbox will checked by pressing the "Calibrate" button.