To install WinScan,
copy the self extracting archive wscan???.exe to c:\ (or to an other drive) and open it.
It will unpack to \wscan??? . (Some versions are packed to the zip format, then unpack that file)
The winscan directory
will now contain the winscan.exe file, some other files and some sub
Using Vista you need Administrator rights for installations. WinScan should also run as Administrator.
You should first install the latest version of CCDOPS and see if your camera works.
You can download CCDOPS from the SBIG web side:
from the Software page:
SBIG Software
Download CCDOPS at: CCDOPS
(extern links)
WinScan will not work with some older drivers, you need the latest drivers,
so you should also download the SBIG DriverChecker:
Download SBIG Driver Checker at:
SetupDriverChecker (extern link)
run the SBIG DriverChecker from time to time
and download and update the latest drivers.
By installing the latest version of CCDOPS, this drivers may be
already installed.
Please refer the SBIG manuals for how to install these drivers the first time,
specifically for the USB drivers follow exact the instructions in the manual.
(Should be already done by installing CCDOPS)
That manuals are available at:
SBIG Software, Manuals (extern link)
Start WinScan.
You will be asked, if you are using a USB camera and
if you want a shortcut on your desk top.
You may have to change some settings first.
Check the help file.
To save observing time, you may now make some tests without attaching the camera to the telescope.
deinstall WinScan:
Copy your images taken with WinScan, if they are
stored in a sub directory of winscan, to an other directory.
Then delete the winscan directory (containing winscan.exe)
The drivers may be still needed by CCDOPS or other CCD-Control programs,
see CCDOPS how the deinstall the drivers.
An ini file "WS_VS_C1.ini" is stored in the "windows" directory.
The decimal separator in the whole program is "." (independent from the
Settings in Windows)
Using a SpeedStep processor the speed step feature must be disabled, the frequency of the CPU must not change,
while WinScan is running.
See: Pentium speed step (extern link)
Even if that feature is disabled there may be problems using such a computer, if it not work, send me an e-mail, or try an other computer.
Check if the intern timer of WinScan is working properly.
WinScan needs a Pentium or compatible processor (like > AMD K5 ), some of the
older Cyrix CPUs, including the 5x86 and at least some of the 6x86 models, don't include the RDTSC instruction,
WinScan will not run on a CPU that doesn't include RDTSC.
The Pentium 4 has a Thermal Monitor with a clock modulation portion,
it that clock modulation portion is active, it may affect the timer when a
critical temperature is reached, just check if
the intern timer of WinScan works properly.
I would not recommend to use the Ethernet interface for drift scan images, except using
a focal length < 1000 mm.
Using the Ethernet interface you may take: Standard or sub array images.