Use that form for information which should be stored in the file header of the image file .
Decimal Separator in win scan is "."Observer: The name of the observer
Aperture: The aperture of
the telescope in inch ^2
Right Ascension:(RA)
RA and DEC are related to the epoch J2000.
If you do not know the RA, set it to 1000 and check the RadioButton "fixed RA",
then the DEC will be related to the current epoch, then
fill in the
DEC of the epoch of the current time and date. ( in the Settings Form)
"Chose RA Position telescope, related to time and date"
A form will be shown(Set Ra, DEC, Time, Date Form), where you can fill in
the RA and DEC of the center of the CCD at special time and date.
(when you shut of the clock drive of the telescope for example) .
( epoch J2000)
The value of the RA and DEC of the center of the image
will be calculated form that values, after the image is complete and will
be stored in the file header (epoch J2000) .
Astrometrie programs may use that value.
The seconds per line (in the Settings Form) will be calculated by
calculating the DEC of the current epoch form the RA and DEC
and Time and Date
you filled in that form.
After you did so, you may press the:
"Show RA now" button : Shows the RA, the telescope points to at the current time and date.
"RA 2001-01-01 00:00:00.000 " button: Shows the RA, the telescope pointed to at
2001-01-01 00:00:00.000. (to test something)
"Calculate RA, Time , Date " button: You may calculate the RA and DEC the telescope
will point to at an other time and date, or the time and date the telescope will point to a
special RA, or slew \"Guide\" to the position of the telescope (epoch J2000)
Right Ascension (standard image, stare mode):
Fill in the RA, if you take a standard image, clock drive of the telescope on.
RA from:
Fixed telescope:
The RA is always calculated form the values you filled in the "Set Ra, Time, Date Form"(drift scan images)
Automatic: (default)
Drift scan images: The RA is calculated form the values you filled in the Set Ra, Time, Date Form.
Other images: RA form the "Right Ascension (standard image, stare mode)" field.
Fixed RA:
RA form the "Right Ascension (standard image, stare mode)" field.
Rotation (counterclockwise)(fits):
For drift scan images this must be 90.0. This information will be stored in the fits file header.
Note: A note
related to the image
Filter: If a Filter is used, fill in the
name of the filter. Changing the filter by the filter wheel is not
implemented in WinScan so far. You may use CCDOPS for DOS to change
the filter and fill in the name of the filter after doing that.